Cleantouch Travel XP

  • Sales

  • Payment Vouchers

  • Receipt Vouchers

  • Accounts Master File

  • Packages Master File

Accounting Software for Travel Agencies (Oct-19 Updated)

Cleantouch Travel XP is written specially for the business who works as an agent in traveling business. The software allow maintaining automated account of another travel agents, from them user purchases a package. Package wise transaction recording & Profit & Loss really make this software a must have tool for traveling business.

Ticket, Visa, Package, & Other Amount recorded and printed separately. It also helps managing major finance related requirements. User have to input their basic daily finance transaction in software and can enjoy a lot of automated reports from different criteria. Accounts Ledger, Cash / Bank Book, Trial Balances, Package Ledger / Summary, Profit & Loss & Balance Sheet reports help users to understand position of their business.

Highlighted Features
  • 2 Level Chart of Account
  • Easy to Use Buying & Selling Module
  • Specially Designed Features for Tour Operators
  • Track Records of Clients History with Passport #
  • Maintain Package wise Accounts
  • Built-in Data Backup & Restore Features
  • 1000+ Pre-Defined Color Schemes
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts
  • Purchase & Sales
Suitable for Business Industries
Travel & Transportation
Hajj & Umrah Travel Agencies
