Cleantouch Medicine Distribution System

  • Journal Voucher

  • Items Master File

  • Issue to Saleman

  • Sales Contract

  • Product Expense Voucher

  • Salesmen Master File

  • Booker Master File

  • Purchase

  • Accounts Master File

  • Stock Adjustment

  • Cash Receipt Voucher

  • Area Master File

  • Bank Payment Voucher

  • Inventory Out

Perfect Stock & Accounting Software for Pharmaceutical Companies

Cleantouch presents, another gift for distribution business, especially Medicine Distributors. Feeding of sales and purchase made easy & fast recordable to deal clients as fast as possible with computerized bill printing. Comprehensive sales reports & summaries can be generated by Customer, Item, Salesmen, Area and Date. Credit receiving transaction can be recorded by bill numbers.

Inventory can be recorded and maintained by Item / Batch wise. Integrated Bonus in Purchase / Sale & Batch wise Expiry & Stock Module will absolutely attract you. Accounting Module of accounts is integrated with inventory module in depth up to Trading Account > Profit & Loss > Balance Sheet.

Highlighted Features
  • 2 Level Chart of Account
  • Non-Active Parties & Items List
  • Unlimited Voucher Categories
  • Personal & Stock to Salesmen
  • Batch wise Stock Summary
  • Customer / Saleman / Area / Booker wise Profit & Receivable Reports
  • Stock Requisition keep you informed regarding Minimum Stock Level
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts
  • *Orders
  • Inventory
  • Batch & Expiry
  • Salesmen wise Stock
  • *Inventory In / Out
  • *Product Expenses
Suitable for Business Industries


  • System Setup
  • Currency Setup
  • Vouchers Category
  • Inventory Setup
  • Repair & Maintenance
  • Data Backup
  • Data Restore
  • Color Scheme Selection
  • Check for Missing Code in Chart of Account
  • Trial Balance Difference Check

Features marked with an (*) are available in Professional Edition only