Cleantouch Developers Management System

  • Cash Payment Voucher

  • Bank Receipt Voucher

  • Categories of Note / Schedule

  • Plot wise Land Distribution

  • Accounts Master File

  • Plot Sale

  • Land Expenses Types

Payment Schedule & Multi-Level Accounting Software for Builders & Developers

Cleantouch Developers Management System is developed specially for business related to sale of re-sized plot on specific payment schedule. For example user of software first of all enter transaction of purchase of big sized plot and then apply additional expenses on plot and then re-size big plot to different small sized plots with allotment of numbers and then start selling small sized plot.

Multi-Level accounting module is integrated with whole software to save time of users by getting rid of transaction duplication.

Highlighted Features
  • Centralized Easy in Use Chart of Account
  • Categorized Plot Expenses Recording
  • Plot wise Cost and Profit Report
  • Integrated Multi-Level Accounting Module
  • Built-in Data Backup & Restore Features
  • 1000+ Pre-Defined Color Schemes
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts
  • Payment Schedule
  • Plot # wise Land Distribution
  • Plot Sales
Suitable for Business Industries
Construction & Contractors
Builders & Developers
