Cleantouch Small Payroll System 2.0

  • Staff Salary

  • Loan / Advance Payment

  • Daily Attendance

  • Extra Duty Sheet

  • Departments Master File

  • Staff Master File

  • Designation Master File

  • Extra Duty

  • Loan / Advance Receipt

  • Gatepass

Easiest Daily Attendance & Staff Salary Management Software

Cleantouch Small Payroll System is developed for small businesses to maintain records of staff attendance and salary. User can record attendance of staff in simply and fast way by just informing software about absent staff. There is an option within software to deduct salary when staff requires part leave from full day. Salary sheet comprises on columns such as S. No., Staff Name, Designation, Salary Rate, Days for Month, Work for Days, Amount of Working, Gatepass Hours, Gatepass Amount (Gatepass=Part Leave), Advance, Loan, Canteen, Net Salary, Signature).

Extra Duty sheet can be generated separately for overtime payment. User can maintain Loan & Advance ledger for each staff separately.

Highlighted Features
  • Categorized Staff Master File
  • Quick Daily Attendance Recording
  • Staff Time Management through Extra Duty & Gatepass
  • Loan & Advances Records of Staff
  • Quick Salary Generation Sheet
  • Quick Overtime Calculation Sheet
Integrated Modules
  • Attendance
  • Loan / Advance
  • Monthly Salary
  • Extra Duty Salary
