Cleantouch Ship-Breaking System

  • Sales Invoice

  • Items Master File

  • Accounts Master File

  • Purchase Invoice

  • Payment Voucher

  • Receipt Voucher

Perfect Accounting & Inventory Software for Ship-Breaking Companies

Cleantouch Ship-Breaking System can be used to maintain Accounts, Inventory and Sales Tax. Special features may be justified that you can purchase whole ship and sale different items like gala plate, mill mall, scrape & other items from ship to various parties. The software will generate Ship Summary Report along with present balances and item extraction ratio.

Sales tax integrated inventory module help user recording Purchase & Sales. The software has all the necessary features to maintain inventory and accounts. Accounts module is integrated in-deep with all other modules of software.

Highlighted Features
  • Comprehensive & Easy in Use Production Module
  • Summary of Extracted Items from Ship
  • Completely Integrated Sales Tax Module
  • Automated Accounting up-to Balance Sheet
  • 1000+ Pre-Defined Color Schemes
  • Built-in Data Backup & Restore Features
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts
  • Inventory
  • Production
  • Sales Tax
Suitable for Business Industries
Industry & Agriculture


  • Accounts Types
  • Accounts Master File
  • Items Master File
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Sales Order
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Tax Challan Payment / Refund
  • Receipt Voucher
  • Payment Voucher
  • Journal Voucher
  • Accounts List
  • Input Register
  • Input Summary (Item Wise)
  • Input Summary (Party Wise)
  • Sale Orders Register
  • Output Register
  • Output Register (Item Wise)
  • Output Register (Party Wise)
  • Ship Register
  • Receipt Vouchers Report
  • Payment Vouchers Report
  • Journal Voucher Report
  • Sales Tax Invoice Printout
  • Sales Bill Printout
  • Voucher Printout
  • Accounts Ledger
  • Accounts Receivable / Payable
  • Pending Bill Receivable Report
  • Days wise Receivable Ageing
  • Trial Balance (2 Column)
  • Trial Balance (6 Column)
  • Shipwise Stock Report
  • Stock Ledger
  • Sales Tax Challan Calculation
  • Yearly Sales Tax Summary
  • System Setup
  • Backup
  • Repair & Maintenance