Accounting Software for Textile Mills

Cleantouch General Production System

Cleantouch General Production SystemMore Info...

Simply the best All-in-One Software for Production / Manufacturing Units

After keeping study of various Production Units, working here in Pakistan, experts of Cleantouch designed Cleantouch General Production System to fulfill the needs of the units in simple manners. Use of this software, provides peace of mind to the owner(s) of business so the executives can work for new business ideas in relax environment.

The software features Formula Based Production mod... Read Full Information

Highlighted Features
  • 2 Level Chart of Account
  • Area / Salesmen wise Sales
  • Formula Based Production
  • Completely Integrated Sales Tax & Federal Excise Duty Module
  • Multi-Location Inventory
  • In-Depth Integration of Financial Accounts Up-to Balance Sheet
  • 1000+ Pre-Defined Color Schemes
  • Built-in Data Backup & Restore Features
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts
  • Inventory
  • Sales Tax
  • Federal Excise Duty
  • Production
  • Salesmen Target

Cleantouch Store Department Controller

Cleantouch Store Department ControllerMore Info...

Store Department Inventory Software for Factory / Mills

Cleantouch Store Department Controller is written for store department of production unit. But it can be used by any business to track record of inventory in simple stock in & stock out way, up to Stock Ledger & Stock Report. Software allows you to track record of transit stock as well as personal stock. For example you have your personal stock in store and also having stock of some other parti... Read Full Information

Highlighted Features
  • Easiest to Maintain Store Inventory
  • Multi-Location / Multiple Ownership of Stock
  • Built-in Data Backup & Restore Features
  • 1000+ Pre-Defined Color Schemes
Integrated Modules
  • Inventory

Cleantouch Yarn Processing System

Cleantouch Yarn Processing SystemMore Info...

Fabric Production Software for Yarn Processing Units

Cleantouch Yarn Processing System is specially developed for company who Purchases Yarn, Issue for Sizing, The Sizing Labour issued the Beams to Targeted Loom. Loom Produce Fabric and Give Back to company. The company can also purchase Fabric for Sale.

The software also keeps stock of Loose Yarn and Loose Yarn can be converted to Fresh Yarn by Rewinding Process. Dyeing Issue & Received fo... Read Full Information

Highlighted Features
  • Simple to Build and Maintain Chart of Account
  • Multi-Location Easy to Maintain Inventory
  • Optional Order based & Direct Delivery System
  • Comprehensive Yarn Processing Module includes Sizing, Loom, Rewinding & Dyeing
  • It maintains both Personal & Stock at Labour
  • Comprehensive Sales Tax Module
Integrated Modules
  • Accounts
  • Inventory
  • Sizing
  • Loom
  • Rewinding
  • Dyeing

Features marked with an (*) are available in Professional Edition only